104-1獎勵優良教學助理申請手冊(The application instruction for the rewarding of excellent TA)
壹、目的 教學卓越中心為提升本校教學助理輔助教學與輔導學生之職責,並獎勵優 良教學助理,特制定本方案。 貳、申請辦法 一、申請期限: 1. 每學期第十五週受理申請。 2. 申請文件請於當週週五17:00前送達教學卓越中心教師專業發展組承 辦人員,逾時恕不受理。 二、申請程序:應檢附具體佐證資料提出申請,申請資料請依照以下順序裝訂, 送交教學卓越中心進行審查。 1.獎勵優良教學助理申請表 2.本校教學助理證書影本 3.教學助理自我評鑑表 三、獎勵優良教學助理作業程序分為初選與複選兩階段: 初選階段:依申請文件中之各項資料進行資格審查。 複選階段:通過初選者進入複選階段,複選依據教師評鑑及擔任助理之 班級學生評鑑等二項分數,依以下比例計算評鑑總分,且總 平均數大於4.0分(平均滿分5分),作為評選優良教學助理 之依據。複選成績經評審委員會審議後,核定優良教學助理獲 獎名單。 1.教師評鑑分數佔40% 2.學生評鑑分數佔60% 參、獎勵辦法 評選為優良教學助理者可獲得教學卓越中心之獎狀與新台幣參仟元等值之 禮券。獲選之優良教學助理名單將於下學期開學初公布,且獲選之優良教學 助理有義務參加本中心辦理之相關研習活動以分享教學助理心得。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The application instruction for the rewarding of excellent TA issued by the Center of Teaching Excellence at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) I. Purpose The Center of Teaching Excellence established the plan in order to enhance TA’s performance of teaching assistance and student counseling and to reward excellent TA. II. Application Rules a. Application deadline 1. The application date starts at the fifteen week of each semester. 2. The application materials must be submitted to the relevant personnel of the team of teacher professional development at the Center before 5:00 pm the Friday of the above-mentioned week. Late submission is not acceptable. b. Application procedure All of the specific supportive information should be submitted for the application. All of the materials must be bound according to the following order and submitted to the Center for evaluation: 1. The application form for the rewarding of excellent TA. 2. The copy of TA certificate issued by NDHU. 3. TA self-evaluation form c. The process is divided into two stages: primary and final stages. Primary stage: the application information is evaluated based on the materials submitted. Final stage: The initial name lists of possible winners will be checked again at the final stage. The selection of possible finalist is based on two scores (teacher evaluation and class student evaluation) and the following ratio for total. The average must be greater than 4.0 (the perfect score is 5). After the approval by the committee members, the names of the winners will be finalized. 1. 40% for teacher evaluation 2. 60% for class student evaluation d. Awarding Rules The winning TAs will received a certificate issued by the Center and a gift coupon worth of NT3,000. The names of the finalist will be announced next semester. The elected best TAs are obliged to participate in the learning activities held by the Center to share their experiences of being TAs. 瀏覽數