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【TA資訊】105-2優良TA獎勵金申請/ Application for TA Excellence Awards

Dear All~


只要完成 2必修+ 3選修 = 5門課程的同學(跨學期/線上/實體修課皆可列入,實體至少2門),即日起至網路申請,並上傳學習護照以示證明。於第十五週(5/22-5/26)至中心領取TA證書。若已有證書且本學期擔任TA者,須選擇一門課程(實體/線上)回流進修。

★TA certificate and TA Excellence Awards ★
Students have to complete 2 compulsory courses and 3 elective courses, you may take online or on-campus courses, but at least 2 of which must be on-campus. Then you can apply for the TA certificate online (

If you are a current TA with a TA certificate, you may apply for the TA Excellence Awards from May 22nd to May 26th. Click the following link
