【教學講座】Vertically Integrated Projects - A new innovation in teaching and research convergence
垂直整合學習(Vertically Integrated Projects 簡稱VIP )已在英美國家掀起一陣風潮,透過參與VIP計畫,激發學生創新與創意思維,提高專業能力,達到人才培育目標。想知道如何運用VIP於教學嗎?想知道如何運用VIP培育優秀學生嗎?想知道如何運用VIP整合跨領域課程嗎?很榮幸邀請Strathclyde大學Marshall 教授蒞臨本校演講,想知道答案就趕緊報名!內容精彩,千萬不可錯過! Topic: Vertically Integrated Projects - A new innovation in teaching and research convergence. Speaker: Stephen Marshall (University of Stratchclyde) Date: 2016.11.15 (TUE) Time: 10:00-12:00 am Location: 行政大樓301簡報室 / Administration Building Presentation Room 301 Sign up: http://cte.ndhu.edu.tw/cen1/cen1_sign_up/form.php?course=946 教學卓越中心敬啟 ---------------------------------- ◎What is VIP? Vertically Integrated Projects, or VIP, is a program at University of Innovation and Design that takes learning experience to a whole new level. Instead of classroom lectures and jargon-intensive material, it is a project-oriented course. The goal is to design a research based model to solve a particular problem. ◎VIP in University of Strathclyde VIP projects give students from first year through to postgraduate level the opportunity to work in multi-disciplinary teams on cutting-edge research and development projects. Students at different stages of their studies work on different aspects of a real-life research task at the same time and in the same place. This allows inter-year interaction and inter-disciplinary learning and discussion. Students learn how to present their subject to students from other areas of study and learn something about those areas of study as well as their own. More senior students help and mentor more junior students. 瀏覽數